Saturday, March 25, 2006

Canadian Club on Ice


  1. One question - why is Ringo Starr smashing that giant package of ketchup?

  2. Oh, silly k-dough. That's not Ringo Starr, that's one of the village people. And if you think that's a package of ketchup, you obviously shop at Costco.

    Poignant doodle, Alison. But, you see, this is what I was saying about grape slushies. Would it hurt you to use a little purple? I'm just thinking of the children that read your blog.

  3. Neither of you two have a clue about fine art, do you?

    If I had made the attacking killer tomatoes purple, the cartoon wouldn't have made sense. No one would believe a cartoon about Ashleigh MacIsaac bravely defending a Canadian cultural icon from a brutal attack by purple killer tomatoes.

    Anyway I can't hang around here; I'm expecting an important call from the marketing geniuses at 'Canadian Club'.

  4. Nice one...

    I guess 'Intelligent Design' made those cute seals just the right size and texture to provide us higher beings with food, warmth, and an exciting spectator sport...

  5. But where's Bridette Bardot????
