Monday, March 06, 2006

"I've just seen a face ..."

According to CBC and Canadian Cynic: "A steady stream of the faithful has been visiting a church in a tiny Prince Edward Island community to see what many are calling the face of Jesus on a cloth hanging behind the altar."
Of course it also looks a bit like Paul McCartney, recent visitor to PEI.
Or Anne of Green Gables. Or a potato.

Update : Mad Dog has just added this one to his excellent collection of pictures of other Jesus sightings on nacho bins, truck tailgates, perogies and basketball backboards.
My favourite is the one where ants chew an image of the Virgin Mary on a leaf, along with the word "pas" which is evidently a misspelling of the word for "peace" in Portuguese.

You know, I think if I was a friggin deity and I really needed to get a message out to my base, I wouldn't put that message on the underside of a leaf and I certainly wouldn't employ ants that can't spell.


  1. A few more of these and they could afford to give up the seal harvest.

  2. If I was a deity, I'd use a blog.

  3. Ahhh... tourism. Who would have thought?

  4. hey, my favorite Beatle tune...

  5. snickertybiggetz :
    There is a clear and well-established precedent for your situation -- you have to sell your scrotum on ebay.
    Just be grateful no ants were involved this time.

  6. snickz:
    Nice try.
    I do believe there's a scanner down at the public library which should prove more than adequate for your purposes.

  7. why is it always the face of jesus? It looks like Edith Swetzelhopper; the lady down at the local grocery store. Spittin image. It also sort of looks like Yoko Ono; and Barbara Boxer.
    So where is the headline "Barbara Boxer's face seen on a tortilla; better elect her President....'

  8. He couldn't save Dana Reeve; but he could create a shadow on a churchcloth. What an omnipotent god!

  9. According to CBC and Canadian Cynic:

    Just love that combination!
