Tuesday, March 14, 2006

We never forget who you are either

Lockheed Martin, the largest war profiteer in the world with 80% of its business contracted to the US Department of Defense, is providing the software for the next Canada Census.

Their company motto is "We never forget who we're working for".

Countmeout has some helpful suggestions as to how to protest both deep integration and NAFTA while still legally counting yourself in. Before the volume goes up way past Chapter 11.


  1. I've volunteered practically everything about me already. Big Brother's quite nosey but will never admit he's a gossip. What a guy...a jock with a pistol trying to protect me from bullies and not realizing he's one hiimself. Oh dear, Mom and Dad are mad! Buy they love him and are better at cutting through his b.s. then me to get to the spirit of his heart and set him on track.

    Doesn't mean we can't make fun of him though. Mom and Dad said ridicule is one way of teaching.

  2. Did anyone really think Jack Layton's electtion would bring anyone other than the Reformed Conservative Congregation into power? I'd sure like to hear their choir, though.
