Thursday, April 13, 2006

Anschluss Watch 3, in which MacKay loses all feeling in his lower jaw

Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay had his first ever session with Condi Rice today.
According to Canadian Press, here is what he had to say :

" "I'm delighted to be here. I've always been a fan of yours,'' he told Rice at a joint news conference in an ornate department ballroom.

"And much of our discussion today confirmed what I already knew about you from having followed your career.''

"We're very grateful and I personally extend my thanks to you for your generous and very kind invitation to be with you,'' he said as Rice smiled politely.

He noted Rice's "warmth, her intelligence on so many of these issues in which Canada has a deep and abiding interest.'' "

Jesus Christ, I sure hope he doesn't forget his 'safe word'.

1 comment:

  1. Possible safe words - Belinda, Orchard, Iraq...
