Sunday, June 25, 2006

Public Service Notice

If you and six of your friends are currently sleeping in a warehouse while dreaming of one day starting up your very own karate club, and some guy comes up and offers you a membership in al-Qaeda and some camera equipment, please just say no, ok?
It will save all the rest of us a great deal of trouble.
Thank you.


  1. The leader's father says his son needs psychiatric treatment. He wore a bathrobe and cape to practices and was led astray by a mystery man in a black robe with a black staff. Headlines should be, which Lord of the Rings character are you? Sounds like he was a year away from pushing a shopping cart in his robe.

  2. but, but, the karate club here on our wee isle is offering the same deal! surely you're not suggesting.....

  3. But those membership offers are sometimes really hard to pass up. I heard the guy was giving new sign-ups a tote bag AND a car-window ice scraper.
