Monday, July 24, 2006

Mr MacKay, your order is ready for pick-up

Condoleezza Rice on July 21 :
"A ceasefire would be a false promise if it simply returns us to the status quo"

Peter MacKay on July 23 :
"A ceasefire and a return to the status quo is a victory for Hezbollah"

Condoleezza Rice on July 24 :
"We believe that a cease-fire is urgent"

We're waiting, Mr. MacKay...

And if, as most news reports would seem to indicate, Israel's death toll of 35 is somehow comparable in scope to 365 dead Lebanese and a further 20% of the total population driven from their homes in what the UN is calling a humanitarian crisis, one wonders why ships are not steaming right now to Israel to evacuate all our foreign nationals stranded there.


  1. My, my - the discipline from Mr. Mackay's last trip to Washington must be wearing off.

    Look for the next pictures of Mackay/Rice to involve large amounts of latex or leather ... and a few whips for good measure.

  2. come on grog, mackay's still stinging from belinda's jilt. give him at least another two days.

  3. I think it's written on an ancient tablet somewhere, there must be at least 10 dead Arabs for every Israeli lost in any conflict. Life is brutal in the unholy land.

  4. "written on an ancient tablet somewhere" this it?
    No, sorry, wrong link...
    Just a minute....Ah, here we go.

  5. You guys and your lego.

    Grog : Large amounts of him just widdling on her shoes again, more likely.

  6. Alison,

    After that, I'm going to have scrub my mind out with a wire brush.

    Peter Mackay, crossdressing? *Urk!*

    Nasty image, very nasty image!

  7. oh christ, er , i mean , holy moses.
