Thursday, July 06, 2006

What is it they say about guys who wear huge belt buckles because they have small...

In this picture we can see that Harper liked the big belt buckle he gave Bush for his birthday so much that he decided to get one too.
Just a couple of choads, hanging out...


  1. the bigger the buckle, the smaller the...

    ok alison, you inspired me so i made a pic just for you of georgie porgie in his steve-gear.

    marty called me up and roped me in to the storytelling at voices of the hound. ding dong!

  2. Such hi-jinks. They're two wild and crazy guys. Extra large buckles may portend a repressed desire to put away the mini monster trucks and break out the Pirate's Lair Lego? No Steve, I wanna be Jack Sparrow.
