Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Home is where the heart isn't

Two stories from the Globe&Mail :

1)Welfare income levels are the lowest they've been in 19 years.
In Alberta, the welfare income of a single person adjusted for inflation has dropped by 50 per cent since 1986 to $4,824 a year.

2) Homelessness is on the rise.
In BC, the provincial shelter allowance for people on social assistance is $325 per month and has not increased since 1991.

I am racking my brains here to find some possible correlation between these two stories...


  1. No, no. Don't you know that the increase in "homelessness" rates is a good thing?

    The statistics don't mean there are more people without homes, but, rather, that -- owing to the province-wide optimism that comes with a booming economy -- the number of people who have crawled out from under the Skytrain tracks to look for a home has gone up.

    Now we just need to wait for proprety developers to supply enough $100 per month rental units to catch up with the demand. It's called the free market.

    Christ, Alison, why do you always have to be such a downer?

  2. Christ, Alison, why do you always have to be such a downer?

    You know Havril I did have a funny idea once. It consisted of a whole series of posts apologizing for not having posted anything lately plus assorted lame excuses for not having inserted something clever into them, but sadly it seems someone has already done that.

  3. And he wondered, almost aloud: Did Alison just dis me, thinking I had dissed her, when really I was just being sardonic and don't actually consider her to be a downer at all? Or, was she herself being sardonic, not actually considering me to be an unclever donothing? Does 'sardonic' mean what I think it means? Will Supernova play Vancouver? Have I had too much coffee?

  4. Hey Havril, like I'd be dissing you.
    Those sorry-I-haven't-blogged-lately posts of yours are some of the funniest shit I've ever read.
    Guess me linking to them doesn't automatically make me funny though.
    Or clear.
    Now what emoticon do I use again for trying for the funny and falling flat on my face?

  5. There is no icon for that, Alison. You have to do it longhand like the rest of us. Apologies for the misunderstanding. It wasn't me talking, just my neuroses.

    On a completely unrelated topic (I could try to segue, but my blood sugar is a tad low)... have you seen THIS? I believe the letters OMFG are in order.

    That is all.

  6. Yes, and OMFG indeed.
    See also here at Kos. I am sending it on to anyone with more background on this than I have. Accidental Deliberations, for instance, has been on it from the beginning.
    And why, I'm wondering, is Julian the NDP guy the only one quoted? Was he the only who asked any questions? If this is so, it is doubly shameful.
    (no emoticons required)
