Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Steve and Sandra play to their base

Steve : Whoa! What, no cartoon this time?
Sandra : We seem to be the victims of a program funding cut here, sir.

Steve : Hey, how are our own cuts playing to the base?
Sandra : Excellent, sir. They clearly demonstrate we don't like research or drugs or uppity women or gays or aboriginals. But that isn't even the best part....

Sandra : No, the best part is how they're reacting to the big cheque moment. They think you invented it, sir. Many of them don't realize that the $13 billion surplus was accrued under the Libs or that it must be applied to the debt every year by law or that the Libs paid down $82 billion in the last decade alone.

Steve : Yeah, well, it's all about optics. Speaking of which...Sandra, what are you wearing?
Sandra : Why, sir....this is rather red power jacket. Why?

Steve : Because it's Wednesday, Sandra. Wearing red on Wednesdays is not supporting the troops.
Sandra : Sorry, sir. I was wearing red in my spare time. Won't happen again, sir.


  1. Am I missing something here? My understanding is that only unspent surpluses at the end of the fiscal year had to go to debt reduction.

    The Conservatives could have just follow the Liberal lead and had a mini-March-budget filled with their pet projects, so long as they could get through parliament, no?

    Why does everyone act like they had no choice in the matter?

    Am I missing something (as is often the case?)

  2. nice on alison. love the red power jacket ;P

  3. >I was wearing red in my spare time<

  4. Olaf :
    Am I missing something here?
    No, you aren't. I'm slagging off on all the commenters in the G&B Comment Section I linked to who were saying "Thank god someone finally has had the sense to apply surpluses to the debt", as if this wasn't something that happens every year regardless of who is in power because it is the friggin law.
    The Libs for instance applied $20 billion to the debt in 2001, and that was still less than .4% of the total budget.

    The Conservatives could have just follow the Liberal lead and had a mini-March-budget filled with their pet projects
    They did have a mini-March-budget - housing and childcare benefits.

    Why does everyone act like they had no choice in the matter?
    Because they had no choice in the matter.
    So to add in some programs they object to and turn it into a Wheel of Fortune moment with the big cheque was ridiculous, although it did seem to get the job done in fooling those guys in the G&B Comments Section, didn't it?
    Which was the point of the post.

  5. That was very suspenseful. I was on the edge of my litter box wondering where that red jacket thing would go.
    I heard a good snark on the radio today about the cuts and Loreen! ( the other woman).

  6. I put this video up a few days ago, but I'm only now getting around to blogwhoring it on the Canadian progessive blogsphere. It fits nicely with the red fridays thing, and damn it is teh funny
