Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Tea with Osama

From CBC :

"An emergency debate in the House of Commons over Canada's foreign policy and role in Afghanistan is unlikely, Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay said Wednesday.

MacKay chided Layton for his recent calls for Canada to try to negotiate peaceful solutions with the Taliban, as well as with Hezbollah, in the Middle East.
"Is it next going to be tea with Osama bin Laden?" MacKay asked. "This cannot happen.' "

You know, MacKay, if you could just give up the fantasy that you are a puppy and Bush has pork chops tied to his ankles, you would notice that some of our allies are already having tea with Osama.

Oh hell, just go read Dave at The Galloping Beaver, and especially the Tora Bora link.
Also Stephen at No BMD, eh?

Then go sign the petition. Support our troops. Bring em home.

CORRECTION : In the post above, I mistakenly attributed the phrase "tea with Osama" to Peter MacKay as reported by the CBC. I have subsequently learned from reading Joel at Proud To Be a Doofus that Mr Mackay in fact stole that phrase from him and did not give him credit for it. Joel reports that the CBC also failed to mention him, his website, or his trademarked phrase "the tea and bun set".
I apologize for the error.


  1. I'm constantly amazed by the sneering sense of superiority that CPoC keeps exhibiting.

    They clearly have no idea what the art of politics and compromise really is, and rely on the tactics of the juvenile bully to denigrate their opponents instead.

    Truly pathetic.

  2. mackay, will that be one lump or two??? oh wait, i see you're in a coma, it must have been two lumps.
