Monday, September 11, 2006

A weight distribution problem

How's that for a creepy statistic?
The obese now outnumber the hungry worldwide.

World Run Day 2006 is looking for local running clubs to join the Fight Hunger initiative of the U.N. World Food Programme, dedicated to ending child hunger by 2015.
Groups will run together on November 5, 2006.
We could certainly use the exercise.


  1. greedy bastards
    here we are
    back in london
    safe n sound
    just wanted to say hi
    should i do that somewhere else?

  2. Hello my lovelies.
    Well we could correspond here if you like. Shall I start by posting that incredibly hot pic of Tobe I have in place of my blog or would you rather I got your e from the Chief?
    Really, it's your call. ;-)

  3. I vote for the incredibly hot pic of Tobe, whoever he/she is.

  4. "The obese now outnumber the hungry worldwide."

    Shocking and unacceptable!

    As progressives, it is our duty to reverse that statistic. We've done it before, and we can do it again!
