Thursday, November 30, 2006

Ignatieff or Ffeitangi?

Michael Ignatieff reverses himself once again.
UPDATE : No, not photoshop. Photo link at Toronto Star


  1. I'm a little surprised at your cultural insensitivity, Alison. That's not his name backwards. That's cyrillic. It says "Scarf of permissible duress, 100% polyester"

  2. Ha,

    I liked the title... took me a while to figure it out, which tells you something.

    What a dumbass though, I couldn't think of a picture that would give his opponents more ammo.

  3. That's a photoshop job folks.

  4. ew, iggy underwear!

    what i wanna know is who paid this goon to run....the cons or republithugs?

  5. Dana:
    The Toronto Star is running it with this caption :
    "Leadership front-runner Michael Ignatieff shows off the wrong side of his campaign scarf as the Liberals' gathering gets underway in Montreal."

    It's not a straight photo reversal as his hair part is on the usual left side and I included the photocredit to show it isn't photoshopping by me. I think if it were photoshop, we'd hear the howling from IggyNation from here.

  6. You're right Alison, I hadn't noticed the hair part.

    There's something about his smile that puts me in mind of a guy trying to hawk a wooden food slicer at the fair.
