Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Spy spiel

Jim Judd, Director of CSIS, said it had done nothing wrong by accepting as genuine the confession of a Canadian man who was secretly and illegally bundled off to a prison in Syria where he was held for a year.

"It does not necessarily follow that because a country has a poor human rights record that any information received from it was the product of torture," Judd told Parliament's public safety committee on Tuesday.
"The information could have emerged from a communications intercept or been provided voluntarily," he said.

Possibly tea and biscuits were involved, he did not add, or the offer of a Kamloops/Damascus time-sharing opportunity. Maybe Arar had a couple of drinks and was trying to impress a girl.
Why, the possibilities of how information could be obtained as a result of extraordinary rendition are practically too numerous to mention.

Being Canadian, CSIS was probably too polite to ask, and rather than risk any further embarrassment, they just didn't want him back.



  1. And these people are in the "intelligence" business.

  2. But the tea is lukewarm and the biscuits are a little stale!

    But seriously, some people seem to need a lesson in the difference between "could have" and "probably did".

    Good post.

  3. I was raised by someone that was in intelligence, and I know that if that person were still alive the reaction they would have to this would be more than a little furious. This is simply disgusting.
