Thursday, December 28, 2006

Top 10 Searches of 2006

1. Britney Spears
2. Britny Speers
3. Brittany Spers
4. bretni speres
5. Briteny Speirs
6. britainy spiers
7. briteni speares
8. Briterney Sprees
9. brittny speires
10. briteni Spries



  1. You have no idea how often our blog appeared near the top of Yahoo and Google searches because Britney Spears' name was mentioned in one particular post and the word "beaver" is in the title of the blog.

    And now... you will move up on Google. :)

  2. 11. C-section exiting a limo.

  3. Dave : LOL - Is that how it works?
    Well, better "Britni" than "mudwrestling" I guess. A year ago I wrote a throwaway post slagging a forum for vicious dumbass behavior and titled it "mudwrestling at the forum".
    To this day, Dave, I have yet to post anything to compete with it.

    What say we form a blog aggregate called "Britney Mudwrestling Beaver" and really clean up?

  4. Top 10 Google blog searches :
    1.Bretnay mudresslen beever
    2.britny mudwrasslin bivver
    3.brittany biever mudrussling

    etc... etc....

  5. What say we form a blog aggregate called "Britney Mudwrestling Beaver" and really clean up?

    Love it! Of course, we could use any one of Chris' spellings and attract the beer-belly redneck christian crowd.
