Friday, January 26, 2007

Blogging for, um, choice

"Banning abortion is not enough : unborns must be citizens!"

Well exactly.
Who among us has not been embarrassed at the shoddy treatment afforded fetuses when they attempt to vote or make a purchase on the Home Shopping Channel?
Is a fetus allowed to join the Canadian Armed Forces - Be All That You Can Be!- or buy a nice condo in the West End? Experience the rare thrill of emptying a nine millimeter into the target of their choice?
Sadly, no.

Instead they are condemned to float in an insulated bubble affording them minimal contact with reality - very much, one must assume, like that of their anti-choice champions.


  1. The passport photos might be more expensive than anticipated.

  2. Instead they are condemned to float in an insulated bubble affording them minimal contact with reality - very much, one must assume, like that of their anti-choice champions.

    LMAO, Well done, alison. (So true it's kind of scary, though.)

  3. Hey! my annoying eight-year-old neighbor can't join the armed forces either! Does that mean he isn't a citizen and may be terminated?

    Hopefully yours,

  4. I guess my question is fairly simple.

    At what point do these clowns suggest that citizenship be conferred?

    Right after the question, "Was it good for you too?"

    Or... "Thanks, baby. That was great. Give me a call sometime."

  5. If only 1 out of 200-500 million sperm released each time fertilize an egg, they should be conferred some special status other than best swimmer.
    Maybe a plaque and a nice testimonial dinner.

  6. Q - don't forget the gold rolex

  7. "Instead they are condemned to float in an insulated bubble affording them minimal contact with reality - very much, one must assume, like that of their anti-choice champions." Alison

    A very well said piece indeed, milady. A very accurate portrayal of those that would on the one hand give full rights to a cell cluster while withholding them from those they disapprove of like homosexuals, both on the same grounds...religious belief/conviction. Which of course makes religion for these unfortunate souls the womb in which they live. Pity though they never seem to want to be born...

  8. Scotian, whereas 'born again' is just fine apparently.
