Tuesday, March 13, 2007

"Pithy sound bites"

Tories off to pre-election 'boot camp'
Candidates to be drilled: Possible revival of the Big Blue Machine?

"Hundreds of federal Conservative candidates and campaign workers will converge on a Toronto convention centre this week for a political "boot camp" designed to prepare them for the next election.
Over three days of activities starting on Friday at the Toronto Congress Centre, candidates will be drilled in everything from the basics of door-to-door canvassing to the art of delivering the pithy sound bite."

Some "pithy sound bites" from previous ConservAllianceReform campaigns that very probably won't be making the cut this time round :

"In the 1950s, buggery was a criminal offence. Now it's a requirement to receive benefits from the federal government." ~ Garry Breitkreuz

"Old age security is welfare for the aged." ~ Paul Forseth

"The Canadian Alliance simply couldn't support the tone and overall direction of a Report that failed to recognize the tremendous gains that manufacturers and user groups of pesticides have been making for years to make human health and safety their top priority." ~ Rahim Jaffir

"I do support the idea of private health care."~ Jason Kenney

"I think that all the Indians should all be sent to Labrador, to all live together in peace and leave us in peace." ~ Ricardo Lopez

"My riding has the largest Iranian population in the country. At least 40% of all the Iranians living there are refugee claimants. Most of them are bogus." ~ Ted White

"Hostility in Canada to Christian teachings about the sanctity of the family and life has resulted in persecution here at home... The government has launched a campaign of intimidation to silence churches by dispatching tax collectors to threaten the charitable tax status of denominations who speak out against the Liberal government." ~ Cheryl Gallant

"The fact is that homosexuals aren’t barred from marrying under Canadian law... Marriage is open to everybody as long as they’re a man and a woman." ~ Jason Kenney

"It's past time the feds scrapped the Canada Health Act." ~ Stephen Harper

"Canada appears content to become a second-tier socialistic country, boasting ever more loudly about its economy and social services to mask its second-rate status." ~ Stephen Harper

"[Y]our country [the USA], and particularly your conservative movement, is a light and an inspiration to people in this country{Canada] and across the world." ~ Stephen Harper

Lots more at In Their Own Words though, in case they run out.

1 comment:

  1. "[Y]our country [the USA], and particularly your conservative movement, is a light and an inspiration to people in this country{Canada] and across the world." ~ Stephen Harper

    Oh yeah, bush/cheney/condi, etc. are definitely illuminating - or is that Illuminati - aren't they??

    Thanks for the "In Their Own Words" link, Allison. Once again, you are a wealth of information . . . .
