Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Steve and Sandra - Voila notre $233 billion!

Flaherty's budget speech - Voila notre le trick ou treat!


  1. That phrase was only annoying for about the first ten times he used it, wasn't it?

    Voila notre damn Cons!

  2. Voila notre le trick ou treat?

    All I got was a rock.

    Well, if you get a lemon you're supposed to make lemonade.

    I got a rock so I guess I gotta rock.
    Rock on to the Eency Weency Spider that is...

    The creepy crawly Stevie
    Went to the House in doubt,

    Down came the budget
    And poured the money out,

    Out came the dollars
    For Jean and Calgary,

    Now there's nothing left for Alison and me.
