Thursday, May 31, 2007

Avi Lewis : On The Map

Avi Lewis is back with "On The Map", a 30 minute take on the big news stories of the day airing nightly Monday to Thursday on CBC Newsworld from June 4 to June 28 at 4:30 and 11:30pm PST.
All episodes will be available at following broadcast.

Avi's previous TV show, "The Big Picture", kicked some serious ass - ripping into the melange of official media stories with his trademark very sharp backtalk and rigorous research.

On The Map preview : Avi interviews US neo-con asshat ambassor to the UN John Bolton on the proposed Iraq Oil Law. Go, Avi!

H/T Hello Cool World
(Cross-posted at The Galloping Beaver)


  1. i love avi! wish we had cable tv just for this kind of thing!!! thanks alison....will try watch at a neighbour's sometime.

  2. I love Avi too, and we're talking purely intellectually, right? ;-)
