Thursday, June 28, 2007

We interrupt this pogrom...

"Disruptions?" "Barricades?" "Interruptions of service?"

We caused disruptions in the First Nation people's way of life for decades.
We put up barricades against their realizing their own way and their own wealth.
And we have not provided them with sufficient services such that interruptions would be notable.

CBC TV blots an otherwise great record in bringing us an hour a night every night this past week on the plight of FN peoples by asking whether tomorrow's Day of Action disruptions and barricades are really in the FN peoples' best interest.

Hey it's our shame, not theirs, that a Day of Action is even necessary.
While it is FN people who suffer, this is Canada's problem.
Support their action tomorrow, any way you can.


  1. thanks for posting this, alison....i'mm going to do my best to make it into town but i may forego it for july 1. this is what the 'real day of action' will be. there's reason for that, besides it being 'canada day'. i'm sure you can guess why :D

    and shame, just action and support.

  2. As an editorial aside, "We interupt this pogrom..." is one of the best titles I've ever read
