Thursday, July 19, 2007

Rich young francophone women do NOT want to go for a beer with Harper

according to a Strategic Counsel poll in the G&M I found over at Cathie's.
  • 46 % of men support sending troops to Afghanistan, but only 27 % of women.
  • 17% of French-speakers and 26% of women would vote Con
  • 31% earning over $100,000 would vote Con

"Terrorism and Afghanistan were ranked as the third most important issues to Canadians, behind the environment and health care," reported Strategic Counsel, the traditional polling allies of Harper.

Reached for comment, a Harper spokesperson blamed the low polling numbers on the next thirteen years of Liberal misrule.


  1. Harper's spokesman blamed the next 13 years of Liberal mis-rule.

    Oh LOL, oh noes.

  2. Finally, I have something in common with rich young francophone women ;)

  3. "Reached for comment, a Harper spokesperson blamed the low polling numbers on the next thirteen years of Liberal misrule"

    You made that part up!

  4. Jan,Ali : ;-)
    It would be a great slip though, wouldn't it?
    If you click through you can see the graph at G&M - exactly the same numbers as 18 months ago.

    Q : I somehow suspect you have always had a lot in common with rich young francophone women.
