Wednesday, August 08, 2007

30! I'm a 30?! Oh noes...

It's 4:45 in the morning and I've just finished obsessively reading everything written about SPP in the last 24 hours. The great thing about researching at night is that no one interrupts you. I mean, there are several days worth of phone messages on the machine but I'm busy, you know?
I know, I think I'll just take that Asperger Test over at Pie Palace that Cliff at Rusty Idols linked to.
As Cliff almost said : Are you a highly functioning autistic or just a jerk?
30, huh. I should probably eat more salads.
Personally I like to think of myself as a highly functioning jerk...


  1. LOL - All you artists should definitely be eating more salads.

  2. you're not a're three tens in one. yowza!

  3. Happy B-Day!

    I'm facing the big 4-oh no in a couple years - much more traumatic.

  4. I'll buy the "highly functioning" part, but NOT the "jerk" part . . . .

  5. Um, Cliff, I think she meant she scored 30 on that Asperger Test you linked to.

    Hey, Alison, that's nothing - I scored a 34 *sigh* and it took me 3 tries to get it down to that.

  6. Hey, didja notice that all of your SPP posts save one were written after Jan 23 2006? Hmm, what event happened around that time that made you turn your attention to SPP? Could it be that you gave your precious Liberals a free pass?

    Asperger's - a syndrome invented by women who are pissed off that men are smarter than them - is all fun and games unless you are a genius kid with a single mother; then you're drugged all to hell. At least, until The Backlash.

  7. You can tell I've been distracted lately...

    I scored a 28 - so self absorbed but not over the line.

  8. 42 here - beat that everyone!

    Nonny-genius-kid thinks Alison is a Liberal *snort*

    Some great detective work there though, nonny - Alison didn't write any SPP posts before she started blogging - yup, I think you nailed it.
    Hey, nonny-genius-kid, are you really in the band Backlash?

  9. I'm not saying anything that noted gay environmental activist Jamey Heath hasn't said, and written a book about: the left - meaning every one of you friggin' commies - gave the Liberals such a huge free pass for 13 years that it severely condemns your credibility. I'll add that it makes you, effectively, Liberals.

    Seriously, Jean Chretien assaults a freaking protester on camera and Harper's the bad guy? Trudeau gives his whore wife The Full Ike Turner closed fist punch in the face, causing a black eye, and Harper's the bad guy? Fuck you.

  10. Heh. I suspect you wouldn't recognise a communist even if you were bitten on the nose by one.

    Are you trying to nail down the "minimally functional" autistic category so that other people can compare themselves to you? That's downright Christian of you, sailor, but it's nothing that people haven't already seen repeated over and over and over

  11. Just curious, anonymous.. why didn't you leave your Liberal-bashing comments under one of the many posts here that criticize Liberals?

    "his whore wife"
    All your posts here have really been about misogyny, haven't they, Anon.
    You should get help.

  12. Anonymous, you seem agitated.

    And yes, Harper is the bad guy. Beelzebubba, you could say.

    I scored 26 on the test, which amazes me. I guess I'm more ADHD than Asperger's. Or something else that requires meds.

  13. I wonder what Anon's score on this one would be?

  14. Cliff : Never mind that - where's my present? ;-)

  15. "Anonymous, you seem agitated."

    Oops, guess I forgot to take my soma this morning, heh.

    "Or something else that requires meds."

    Meds are for socialists.

    "You should get help."

    So is help. Commies.

  16. Cliff : Oooooh, it's perfect!

  17. Yeah nonny,

    I always thought Rush was a closet commie.

    Nonny doesn't need meds he needs some of that fancy Spock-like logic.

    I realize I'm about to make your head explode here, but isn't Bill Clennett a commie?

    "Clennett's famous encounter with Chrétien happened on Feb. 15, 1996, when Clennett was protesting planned cuts to unemployment insurance at the commemoration of Canada's first National Flag Day in Hull, Que." (from Commie Broadcasting Corporation)

    Hated Liberal commie passing loved conservative cuts being protested at by hated commie protester, then violently chokes said commie.

    Too. Much. Cognitive. Dissonance.

