Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Dear G&M : The frontpage we'd rather see

Accidental Deliberations - The early edition
Ken Chapman explains how it worked.
.Red Tory annoys me with a much superior photoshop


  1. Nice public display of moral equivilence.

    Are there any two events in world history you don't consider to be exactly the same? And does George Soros still pay you a nickel for this post if it doesn't include an attack on Christians and/or Jesus?

  2. Which rightwing belief tank employs you, anon? And do they dock your pay when you misspell equivalence?

  3. anonymous: "And does George Soros still pay you a nickel for this post if it doesn't include an attack on Christians and/or Jesus?"

    Alison, so forgetful. I'll cover you this time.

    Christians suck!
