Friday, August 03, 2007

Torys R Us

Breaking News! Massive Tory Recall!
Ottawa Citizen :
"Consumers were unaware for days that retailers were pulling Elmo, Big Bird and other Mattel Inc. Torys from shelves last week because of a potential lead-paint hazard.
A spokeswoman for Torys R Us said it was notified about the pending recall several days ago.
Retailers pulled the Torys from their shelves and flagged their cash registers so the Torys would not be sold if a consumer tried to buy one."

Wait a minute....ah, TOYS. It's a massive toy recall.
Ok, scratch that one. Here's the Ottawa Citizen story I wanted :
"Prime Minister Stephen Harper is considering shuffling his cabinet and will make his decision before the fall session of Parliament, scheduled to begin Sept. 17.
One certainty is that a shuffle will disappoint Tory backbenchers. Senior federal officials told CanWest News that a shuffle will only involve existing cabinet ministers. No new members will be brought into the club."

I guess Elmo and Big Bird will continue to languish on the toy backbenches then.
"Harper appeared upbeat at his Thursday news conference, following a full day of closed-door meetings with Toy MPs and senators, ostensibly to plan strategy for the fall and winter.
He said crime, government accountability, tax cuts and "making Canada's voice heard in the world" remain "the big themes, the big priorities of this
government ... those things will continue."

He also said the Wheat Board monopoly would have to end, no matter what the court has said.
"We're obviously disappointed with the court decision," he said, "but that does not change the determination of the government of Canada to see a dual market for Canadian farmers.
"I hope the wheat board will start working with the government to make sure this is gonna happen, 'cause it's gonna happen one way or another, whether it takes a little bit of time or a lot of time, it's gonna happen."

Harper made the remarks at the annual summer Toy caucus meeting in Prince Edward Island where, undaunted that his popularity there is tanking at 17%, he also stated :

"Canada is more united -- and Quebecers more loyal to the country -- than at any time in the past 40 years, and his government deserves all the credit.
Harper said his government's handling of the economy, tax reform, the war in Afghanistan - and particularly his controversial decision last year to pass a motion in the House of Commons declaring Quebec a nation within a "united Canada" - have brought Canadians together in a way not seen since the Centennial year of 1967."

"Next week Harper makes a week-long tour of Nunavut and the Northwest Territories."

Is there some international AIDS conference going on in Ottawa next week that I'm not aware of?

But wait a sec, back up a bit ...his popularity in PEI is 17%? 17%!
Must be time for a recall after all. Either Elmo or Big Bird could beat 17% even with one little puppet arm tied behind their backs.


  1. Nineteen months in power and not a single cabinet minister has resigned due to scandal. That's a record.

    Hate to buzzkill you with the facts and a sense of history, but Mr. Harper is running the cleanest federal government in Canadian history. That's not an opinion, that is a fact, backed up with data.

    To the extent that you hate him, and mock him, because of this looks worse on you than it does him.

    Have a "nice" day.

  2. Anonymous??

    Rona? Is that you?

  3. Good point anonymous, not only are these ministers serving just the interests of large corporations but they are fucking boring too.
    A nice sex scandal here and there might give them at least the semblance of humanity.

  4. Lots of scandal there.

    It's a scandal that O'Connor didn't resign long ago over the treatment of prisoners, and his own incompetence.

    It's a scandal that the GnuGov was so blatantly and repeatedly dishonest in its attempts to destroy the Wheat Board.

    It's a scandal that the RCMP are acting as political thugs for the Cons.

    It's a scandal that the Cons were disrupting committees and damaging government, and that they needed a written book to do it because they are too stupid to think for themselves.

  5. Anon, when you put "nice" in quotation marks it doesn't automatically become bitingly sarcastic. You have to be a little more judicious.

    Anyway, enjoy the rest "of" the evening.

  6. "Mr. Harper is running the cleanest federal government in Canadian history. That's not an opinion, that is a fact, backed up with data."

    Link, please.

  7. Anonymous says :
    The Tories, 19 months without a single member going to prison so far.

    My God, what a ringing endorsement.
    Have you thought of offering them your slogan-writing services, Anonymous?

    The Tories, no new wars yet!
    The Tories, not a single instance of witchcraft in parliament since they took ofice!

    Say, this isn't too hard...

    The Tories, 800 new appointments without enforcing their own Accountability Act
