Thursday, September 13, 2007

Tanking in Oz

I don't like the Canadian Senate...I don't like Elections Canada...I don't like the Canadian Press...I don't like the Kyoto Accord.....
In fact there's not much I do like about Canada...
Hey, I just noticed your flag is made up of stars and stripes - how cool is that!

Harper addresses the Australian parliament : "Because as 9-11 showed, if we abandon our fellow human beings to lives of poverty, brutality and ignorance, in today's global village, their misery will eventually and inevitably become our own," said Harper.

Of course invading their country and bombing and starving the shit out of them to further US colonialist corporate ambitions also works, he did not add.

Harper loves the Oz PM John Howard. Bush also loves Howard. But the Australians? Not so much : Cabinet revolt forces John Howard to say he will quit

Gosh, I wonder if there is a lesson in there somewhere.


  1. Another bush-buddy bites the dust.

    'Ole stevie will soon be the only one left.

    Pity . . . . :)

  2. Yes, Steve has come a long way from his early days of masterbating to the National Review.

  3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    "if we abandon our fellow human beings to lives of poverty, brutality and ignorance, in today's global village, their misery will eventually and inevitably become our own," said Harper."

    And to prove it, we are one of the four countries turning down the non-binding UN resolution on indigenous peoples.
    But then again so was Australia.

    They love to hear themselves talk of lofty ideals but their actions are another matter entirely.

    Only in the colonies you say?

  4. I'm starting to have some sympathy for liberal Americans being forced to watch their illustrious leader embarrass them and trash their international reputation across the globe, and then trying to convince people that "No, really, THAT'S NOT US!!!"
