Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Look, it's not as if you're being asked to stand out in the rain singing Kumbaya ...

Dear Prime Minister Harper and Minister Bernier:
I am appalled by the violence directed at peaceful protestors by the Burmese military government.
Canada must engage other countries, in addition to the UN Security Council, in pressing the Burmese military junta to end its 45-year stranglehold on the rights and freedoms of its citizens.
Your government must also call on China to use its influence and urge Burma to end its violent attacks on its own citizens.
Please take immediate action to address this urgent situation.
Your signature here.
cc : Duceppe, Layton, Dion, May, and your MP
From Kathleen Duff, a longtime BC human rights activist at RightOnCanada.
Those CCs at the bottom are what count. Give them some ammo!

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