Monday, January 07, 2008

We're just not that into you.

Ipsos Reid : "In four polls in November, 43% of men said they would vote for the Conservatives, compared with only 28% of women.
"There really seems to be a very strong gender effect in Conservative voting," said Ipsos Reid president Darrell Bricker."

Well, duh, Darrell.
In fact compared to a number of polls over the previous year, like this one from Strategic Council in July, 28% actually represents a highwater mark for the Cons with women, who more usually only give them around 24% to 26% approval.

From this latest Ipsos Reid poll for CanWest :
Women's priorities : Environment 29%, Healthcare 27%, and Education and Poverty placing 3rd and 4th.
Men's priorities : Environment 28%, Healthcare 18%, and the Economy and Military Defence in 3rd and 4th place.
Darrell explains this divergent disparity in gender priorities :
"Women tend to not to be as interested in the big-P political-power issues. For them politics isn't necessarily about the cut and thrust of party politics or big-dollar economics or relationships among states," said Bricker. "They tend to be focused more locally; they tend to be more interested in things that affect them and their families."

Apparently we're just too dumb to properly appreciate the importance of all that "cutting and thrusting" stuff.

Happily Harper's old eminence grease, Tom Flanagan, is on hand to explain why women's votes don't count if you're a Con : "Why are women's votes so uniquely important? Each vote counts one," he said in an email.

Yes! Someone put this old Milton Friedman fan back in charge of the Cons' electoral fortunes, because I can't think of a better strategy for going down in fucking flames than going into an election with a firm grip on the idea that the concerns of 52% of the electorate don't matter a damn.


  1. Sounds like flanagan has a firm grip on political reality . . . .

  2. "because I can't think of a better strategy for going down in fucking flames than going into an election with a firm grip on the idea that the concerns of 52% of the electorate don't matter a damn."

    ... especially when they're only worth the same as men's votes! ... WHAT?

  3. Sounds like women actually have a clue, and men substitute testosterone. Damnit, I hate the fact that the world would probably be a much better place if my entire gender were marginalized into insignificance. You really don't need that many men for a viable population anyway. We should get rid of most of us, and things would run a lot smoother.

  4. That greasy eminence thing.....

    It just might stick.


  5. "eminence grease"... LOL.

  6. Hey, Alison -- is everything OK?

  7. Cath : Bit of a difficult patch, gonna be fine, thanks for asking.
