Saturday, February 23, 2008

So stick another ribbon on your H-o-C...

General Rick Hillier : " 'the least our soldiers could expect' in Afghanistan is that after the pending vote on extending the mission to 2011 is completed, all MPs in Parliament give unanimous support to a motion backing Canadian troops."
Or Tinkerbell will die.
You don't want Tinkerbell to die, do you?
Well then.
"Support Our Right-Wing Agenda" ribbon pillaged from Cräbgrass.


  1. Great pillaging, Alison . . . .

  2. Nice!

    I love to see my ribbon getting out once in a while.

    It would be fun to actually make magnets, but I they might invite vandalism.

  3. Ahh great, more nonsense from the lunatic fringe. It's good that you "fine" folks are so capable at "reading in between the lines" (ie, making stuff up). But then, asking you to not do so, would demand a level of honesty and fairness that is absent in the idiot fringe called the elft wing of this nation.

  4. Please, do tell us what you really think, jeff my boy.

    I proclaim myself a proud member of the idiot fringe of the Elft wing movement.

  5. That's funny Dave, I made one spelling error in a hurry, you made two. Plus one grammer error.

    You the same Dave with difficulties with reality and fact over at the den of hypocrisy and censorship at the beaver?

    Granted, no ability to edit posts, so we are stuck with it.

    Damn shame that McCarthy never finished the job he started.

  6. Grammer errers are the worst.

  7. So, I pretty much called you "fine" folks liars and ignorants, and the best you can do is point out spelling mistakes?

    Wow, you folks are too easy. I have a bridge for sale, barely used... Any takers?

  8. Nope, I has me own blog!

    ... And it's daev, not Dave, ta'much.

  9. Aaawww . . . did we disappoint the little trolli boy? My heart bleeds.

  10. Jeff, where is this bridge you're looking to unload?

    Call me.


    Let me know when you clowns at the frothing beaver get a clue. In the mean time, I shant hold my breath.

    Oh, and please pass on my regards to the fakes Boris and Dave.
