Tuesday, March 18, 2008

SPP and the Environmental Pro-business Agency

Environmental Protection Agency Press Release

"(3/17/08) On Tuesday, March 18, EPA Administrator *Stephen L. Johnson will give the keynote address at the Global Chemical Regulation Conference, attended by more than 300 chemical industry regulatory, environmental and health officials, in Baltimore, Md. The administrator will outline the agency's commitment to the North American chemical cooperation goals included in the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) Meeting last August in Montebello, Canada, between President Bush and his Canadian and Mexican counterparts. [snip]

Jim Gulliford, EPA's Assistant Administrator for the Office of Pesticides, Prevention, and Toxic Substances, will also give presentations on the specifics of the SPP chemical assessment and management goals.

Facilities will be set up to accommodate members of the press."

Specifics? Facilities for the press?
Well then that's great because if some reporter from Baltimore happens to write about it for their paper, then there's a chance that Canadians will also get to hear what "the North American chemical cooperation goals" and "the specifics of the SPP chemical assessment and management goals" are all about!

*Why, yes, Stephen L. Johnson is the Bush-appointed idiot head of EPA who just "justified blocking California from cracking down on auto emissions by saying global warming isn't unique to the state", yes, indeed he is.

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