Wednesday, April 02, 2008

A month of non-confidence

Today's vote of non-confidence :
Mr. Layton (Toronto—Danforth) : April 02, 2008
"That, in the opinion of the House, the Conservative government's massive corporate tax cuts are destroying any balance between taxes for large profitable corporations and ordinary Canadians; they are stripping the fiscal capacity of the federal government; they are disproportionately benefiting the financial, oil and gas sectors, while leaving others behind, including manufacturing and forestry; and in so doing have failed to invest in those hard-hit sectors and the needs of everyday working Canadians; therefore, this House has lost confidence in the government."

Defeated 198-63, with only the NDP and Bloc Quebecois supporting it.

Liberals opposed the motion because they said it reflects an outdated, doctrinaire refusal to recognize that cutting corporate taxes helps make the country more competitive.
During the last election, Dion promised to match and exceed the Cons on cutting corporate taxes.

On March 10 the NDP tabled a non-confidence motion against the Cons for failing to respect international climate agreements and for its refusal to adopt legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Only 11 Liberals voted for it.
On March 4 the Con's Budget 2008, an automatic confidence vote, passed with 11 Liberals voting and the rest abstaining.

Not to be left out, on March 5 the Liberals tabled a motion of non-confidence of their own -- against the opposition parties - the NDP and the Bloc - presumably for not being sufficiently supportive of the Liberals' support of the Cons.


  1. on March 5 the Liberals tabled a motion of non-confidence of their own -- against the opposition parties

    Makes perfect sense to me.

    Just in case you missed it ;-), the Liberal actions/inaction are very confusing to me . . . .

  2. The motions from the NDP are better off defeated. Unless you have some magical wand to wave top prevent big international companies (who incidently keep enough employed to keep our economy moving)from moving away from Canada.

    Higher taxes = less advantageous environment = less investment.

    Lower coorperate taxes = more investment = more jobs = larger tax base.

    Meaning, it is simply idiotic to be the ones with the highest cooperate tax rates on the planet. Middle of the road, or slightly below middle is where we are, and where we should stay.

    The other motion concerning Koyoto is idiotic to say the least. Koyoto is useless. Full stop. Add a responsible entity to manage carbon credits, and a responsible entity to manage and report compliance, then I am willing to sign on... Without that, only a bloody moron would think it is a good thing (no shortage of those).
