Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Straight from the trojan horse's mouth

Over at the Fraser Institute, in "Saving the North American Security and Prosperity Partnership : The Case for a North American Standards and Regulatory Area" Alexander Moens seeks to dispel the many injustices so unfairly foisted upon the SPP.

First of all it is totally wrong to say the SPP is just about the interests of the 30 CEOs in the NACC :
"Some have called for a broadening of representation in the SPP talks to advocacy groups other than the North American Competitiveness Council (NACC). However, it is better that groups such as labor and environmental lobbies work with both government and business to develop best practices, rather than adding even more players to the crowded SPP talks."

See? It's just too crowded already. There simply isn't room for even more players and .....hang on, what's this?

"Given the effectiveness of NACC, the business advisory process could be expanded to add specific sectoral groups working under NACC’s direction...
Privatizing some of the security and customs processes may be another venue to make these functions more cost effective and to accelerate cross-border standardization."

Okay but all that paranoia about erasing the Canada-US border? How do these crazy conspiracy theories get started any way?

"The most important of these reforms is a new or reinvented border.
Unlike many in the European Union, both Canada and the United States want to maintain sovereign borders. At the same time, the traditional "undefended border" is no longer an option. Several studies have pointed out that we need to overcome the traditional border (Canadian Council of Chief Executives, 2004; Goldfarb, 2007)"

Yeah, overcome traditional borders! Um, why?

"Security against modern threats requires a deeper level of cooperation than border controls. At this point, this deeper level can only be achieved between Canada and the United States (not Mexico)."

Concerned that the SPP was misunderstood, the Fraser Institute stepped forward to clarify things. This is what friends do for each other (not Mexico). Thanks, Fraser Institute!


  1. Oh, that makes me feel better already to know that the FI is on the case.

    A review of Naomi Klein's "The Shock Doctrine" regarding Milton Friedman and privatization is in order for those folks . . . .

  2. Heh - Klein mentions that Friedman "actively and strongly supported" the Fraser Institute in "The Shock Doctrine".

  3. Comforting thought, that . . . . :-(
