Thursday, May 01, 2008

Happy May Day, ILWU!

In most of the world today, May Day, or International Workers' Day, is an international celebration of the social and economic achievements of the labour movement. Countries that do not celebrate it today include Canada, South Africa, and the United States which is the birthplace of May Day......Hello, what's this then?

U.S. West Coast ports closed by worker protest.
May 1 (Reuters) - Ports along the U.S. West Coast, including the country's busiest port complex in Los Angeles, shut down on Thursday as some 10,000 dock workers went on a one-day strike to protest the war in Iraq, port and union officials said.
Twenty-nine ports from San Diego to Washington state that handle more than half of U.S waterborne trade ground to a halt, but shipping experts said the economic costs of the walk-out would be limited.
Paul Bingham, an economist with Global Insight, which tracks container volume and congestion at U.S. ports, said labor officials had alerted shippers and carriers.

The International Longshore and Warehouse Union said some 10,000 workers joined the anti-war protest, spurred in part by its belief that big shipping companies are profiting from the war
."Longshore workers are standing down on the job and standing up for America," said ILWU International President Bob McEllrath. "We're supporting the troops and telling politicians in Washington that it's time to end the war in Iraq."

Fuckin' A and a Happy May Day to you, ILWU.