Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Time to put criticisms of Beijing aside

says VANOC CEO John Furlong, the same night CBC's Passionate Eye runs a doc on the 165,000 Chinese evicted from their homes and let go from their jobs in Beijing to make way for what Furlong describes as "a celebration".

Tell you what, John.
Given that the Olympics are but a thin veneer of sport covering up forced urban renewal projects, 1.5 million evictions according to the Center on Housing Rights and Evictions, how about making it a condition of winning the Olympic bid that the host country must set up decent refugee camps ahead of time?


  1. Bravo, Alison!

    Excellent suggestion, re: host country requirement . . . .

  2. Like Furlong cares about homeless in China when he doesn't care about it in his own city.

  3. McCommunism, yes, very good - thanks, Cliff.
    Did you also see her longer version in Rolling Stone on this same thing, end of May, thereabouts?
    I looked up L-1 - they have a branch in Canada.
