Tuesday, September 02, 2008

101 Reasons to have an election

Feb 12, 2007 House leader Peter Van Loan :
"As I indicated we have passed Bill C-16 on fixed election dates. Never again will the government of the day be able to play around with the date of an election for its own crass political motives."

Aug 25, 2008 Stephen Harper :
"All the opposition parties are clear. They will not support this government going to October 2009. In the lack of certainty about an election date, it falls to the government to create that certainty."

Sept 1, 2008 Harper spokesweasel Kory Teneycke :
"The fixed election date law provides for this exact situation. It's not a violation of that law."
"If Mr. Dion wanted to avoid an election date … he would give some assurance that the government could survive until [2009]."

We'll just add that one on to the list of 100 Reasons to have an Election :
Afghanistan, Cadman tapes, Bernier affair, in and out scheme, attacks on wheat board, Naftagate, dirty tricks manual, Kyoto accord, gutting public service, cancelling Court Challenges Act, Omar Khadr, Toronto 18/Paintball 11, nuclear watchdog fired, listeriosis, C-484, AIDs conference snub, arts and culture funding cuts, Status of Women gutted, war resistors deported, war branding for Olympics, softwood lumber deal, Insite, cuts to mad cow testing, NorthComm pact, deregulating Canada Post, two-tier healthcare push, Abdelrazik, tar sands, ethanol grants to agribiz, Oily the Splot, extraordinary rendition, Canadian prisoners tortured, refusal to protect lakes, Lougheed Martin census, obstructing HoC committees, conditions on FN reserves, mail-outs from defeated Con candidates, rewriting/deleting research on government websites, Colombia free trade deal, Canada First - not, copycat crime bill, militarization of arctic, Bill C-537, Bill C-10, NACC, Server in the Sky, Canada-Israel homeland security pact, TOPOFF 5, government scientists muzzled/fired, support for Guantanamo, RCMP whitewash, TILMA, Chalk River, no-fly list, biometric passports, CIA access to banking records, Benamar Benatta, North American Forum, red fridays, Bali conference, Commonwealth climate change talks, undermining nuclear disarmament, Question Period a shambles, Independent Panel on Canada's Mission in Afghanistan, war on drugs, lowering pesticide standards, Montebello, deep integration. meeting in Banff, "staying the course" in Haiti, DND funding in universities, 600 Canadian companies gone to foreign ownership, support for Wolfowitz at World Bank, Smart Borders, dissing Louise Arbor, P-3 security forces in Afghanistan, attacks on Dion for having a French mother, faking up law and order hysteria, nukes in the tarsands, Accountability Act, UN vote against Palestinian women, "Support the troops", Adult Learning and Literacy Program - eliminated, Health Canada- $28M reduction, Medical Marijuana Research Program- eliminated, Law Commission of Canada - eliminated, Museum Assistance Program - funding cut, One Tonne Challenge - 40% budget cut, Stats Can- budget reduced, Status of Women policy research and lobbying - banned, CMHC - funding reduction, Canadian Heritage Centre - eliminated, Canadian Volunteerism Initiative - eliminated, Canadian Labour Business Centre - eliminated, Canadian Policy Research Network - eliminated, Community Access Program - eliminated, privatization of airline safety, sale of federal buildings, isotope "crisis", GHG "intensity targets", Clean Air Act, reversals on aid to Africa, blocking access to public documents, revolving door between Con polis and industry front groups, prominence of Mike Harris Mps in Harper cabinet, muzzling Con MPs and candidates, and of course, enthusiastic and unstinting support for deep integration with the US.


  1. Wow.

    That's some hundred.

  2. Damn, Woman, you were busy last night, weren't you?

    Or, have you been keeping a nice, tidy list all along?

    Good job . . . .

  3. Eventually I'll have that memorized.

  4. Congrats. Great post.

  5. Thanks all.
    I'm thinking t-shirts here.
    Working on 101 to 200 to go on the back.

  6. Save at least 20 or 30 really scary ones for the axillary region.

