Saturday, September 27, 2008

9/11 changed everything about Steve's election campaign

"He does little mainstreeting, invariably makes announcements before small, hand-picked groups and addresses political rallies where every person in the audience has to register with officials from the local Conservative party organization."

Yesterday Harper explained why : "...when we're dealing in an era of global terrorism and these kinds of things, there are a disturbing number of threats to the country and specifically to whoever occupies the office of prime minister. This is unfortunate but it's reality."

RCMP spokesperson : "The RCMP will respond to any situation that could potentially jeopardize the safety and security of the Prime Minister of Canada."

Why just last week Steve had to call on the RCMP to protect him from security risks hiding in reporters' questions.
Also at risk are all Con candidates who are approached by national reporters - particularly Dona Cadman, whose mouth is apparently under house arrest for her own safety - and several Con candidates who are unfortunately unable to participate in candidate debates , even in their home ridings.

Man, does this Obama guy not get the whole 9/11 security thing or what? :


  1. Man, does this Obama guy not get the whole 9/11 security thing or what? :


  2. I like the label on this post, I really really do!

  3. Ooooooooohhhhhhh!

    More StealthCon coordinates.

    Your local map maker thanks you.


  4. Well what do you know, when a professional free market propagandist is elected to public office he behaves like a propagandist. How surprising.

  5. Enjoyed your blog, Alceste. Euripides would be proud.

    Great job on the StealthCons, Ross. Are you going to do an actual map?
