Tuesday, September 09, 2008

War of the Family Guy ads

G&M : Pre-election ads portray Tory Leader as family guy
"The sale of a warm and loving Stephen Harper launched yesterday with a series of pre-election ads designed to give feeling to the Prime Minister's steely image.
One of the 30-second spots, entitled "Family is everything," portrays Mr. Harper as just an ordinary guy who loves nothing more than spending time with his kids."

G&M : Liberals show 'another side' of Dion
"The Liberal Party will unveil today a website profile of leader Stéphane Dion as an outdoorsy, passionate, family- and dog-loving man with rugged interests welded to the Canadian mythologies of nature and the North."

Evidently we are all morons.


  1. http://members.shaw.ca/shunlunn/

  2. Or, at the very least, the media consultants assume we are . . . .

  3. Jabberwocky : I lost track of ShunLunn about the time the Green decided not to participate.
    I note that Green, Lib and Dipper canndidates are all running in the Saanich-Gulf Islands riding.

    For anyone unfamiliar with ShunLunn, it was a campaign to have a pre-election run-off that would have left only one candidate standing against the truly appalling Gary Lunn, who wins every time with 30+% of the vote.

    WEB : And as you have said before, with their help we'll get there.

  4. Kady O'Malley gives it to a couple of notorious 'new' media consultants here, but good.

    (if you want to cut to the chase ff to ~ the 51st* minute)

    *ironic that, eh, Alison

  5. But, but, but Ross! If you ff to minute 51, you miss the fabulous mcsame video!

    As a sidelight, is "The Agenda" with Steve Paikin available locally, or only as I have been watching it as a podcast or online ? ? ? ?

  6. Don't know, Bob - I thought you were our new media-savvy guy.

    Interesting clip, Ross. Kady still da bomb!
