Monday, December 08, 2008

Another great RepubliCon idea

Dr Dawg relates that Gerry Chipeur "the Alberta lawyer who drafted a power-sharing proposal between Stockwell Day, Gilles Duceppe and Joe Clark in 2000 is now suggesting that the Conservatives should defy the Governor-General if she were to ask the Liberal-NDP coalition to form a new government if the Conservative administration falls on January 27."

CanWest : "Chipeur's argument foreshadows a possibly drastic response from the Conservatives should they be turfed from power. He suggests that Conservatives may not readily accept the governor-general's decision should she refuse the prime minister's request for an election."

Chipeur, an anti-SSM ReformaTory Alliance lawyer and activist with ties to Republicans and the evangelical and anti-Kyoto movements on both sides of the border, is laying groundwork for the Cons again here, something he excells at.

New York Observer : (bracketed info mine)
"From: Paul Weyrich[co-founder of the Moral Majority and the Heritage Foundation]
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 9:38 AM
To: Bob Thompson[a staffer at Weyrich’s Free Congress Foundation]
Subject: Message from Canada
Importance: High
Please get this message to the Stanton, Family Forum and Wednesday lunch groups:

I received a call last night from Gerald Chipeur, an important figure in Canada’s Conservative Party. He told me that Conservatives are with-in striking distance of electing an outright majority in Parliamentary elections Monday.

He said the Canadian media, which is trying to save the current Liberal government, has a strategy of calling conservatives in the USA in the hopes that someone will inadvertently say something that can be hung around the Conservatives.

Canadian voters have been led to believe that American conservatives are scary and if the Conservative party can be linked with us, they perhaps can diminish a Conservative victory. Chipeur asks that if Canadian media calls, please do not be interviewed until Monday evening at which point hopefully there will be reason to celebrate.

Many thanks."

When contacted by Canadian Press about the email, Weyrich denied any personal involvement but later on his website, he bragged about his "small victory" in the Canadian elections.

This August, Chipeur, a dual Canada-US citizen, teamed up with the American Chamber of Commerce to hold a $1000-a-plate fund-raising campaign for John McCain for the 80,000 Americans who live and work in Calgary. Canadian citizens' proceeds went to Friends of Science, Tim Ball's oil industry-funded anti-Kyoto "charity", whose funding was laundered through the University of Calgary by Harper's buddy, Prof. Barry Cooper, before the U of C put a stop to it.
Friends of Science used the money to pay for ads which attacked the previous Liberal government's support for the Kyoto Protocol, pledging "to have a major impact on the next election." Chipeur acted as their lawyer in the investigation by Elections Canada.

Chipeur is also credited with introducing Republican Frank Sensenbrenner to Canadian embassy officials at the Republican National Convention in New York in 2004, attended by Stockwell Day, Chipeur's choice for coalition PM in 2000. Sensenbrenner had attended Reform party conventions and Stockwell Day insisted he be hired by the Canadian Embassy. Sensenbrenner was subsequently accused of the Naftagate leak. to damage Barack Obama's credibility during the Democratic primaries but an internal investigation by Harper's deputy minister failed to provide conclusive evidence.
The Star : "In failing to plumb the leak, the report effectively protects the ruling party from awkward questions. With an election not far in the future, voters might reasonably ask if Conservatives put this country's seminal relationship [with Obama] at risk to give Republicans a helping hand."

The RepubliCons - just one big happy family.


  1. Family? They're a bloody insurgency.


  2. A funding connection between Friends of Science and McCain? What a small world. Sarah Palin cited their paper, such as it is, to argue against protection for polar bears affected by habitat loss, etc.

  3. Thanks for the digging on this one, Alison.

    The term "embedded" gets closer and closer to home.

    Kind of creepy, too . . . .

  4. No, no, no! You've got it all wrong!

    Fat Steven is a "strong leader for tough times." He is a "steady hand on the tiller of the ship of state."

    I don't know what you're doing wasting your time with this other stuff.

  5. here is a plan

  6. Defy the GG? Wow. What they won't do to keep power. And, as thwap compellingly illustrates, it's unsettling to think that if Harper defies the GG and calls an election, he still might win.

    Anyway, this worry might be all for naught. It's Iggy's show now.
