Friday, December 26, 2008

Best of the merry happy jolly

These two little guys, a young raven and a deer born late in the spring, have been taking turns at the bird feeder. This year my Christmas tree was a dozen or so feeders hanging in the brambles and saplings outside the window in front of my computer, the ornaments the constant flutterings of tiny birds. Best tree I ever had.


  1. How wonderful!

    Merry Christmas

  2. Lovely...what goes on in the brambles ;)

    I found that old montage for you, a sad little prayer to the special suffering of those with two X chromosomes...

  3. What a beautiful Christmas tree to have -- I can just picture it. Thanks

  4. Q ... stays in the brambles.
    Thanks so much! Properly bookmarked this time. A great piece : Montage

  5. You've been tagged, Alison.

    Sorry. They made me do it.

  6. Thanks, Skdadl, I'll just put it with the other ones ;-)
