Monday, December 22, 2008

Steve's Big Stocking Stuffer Senate "Reform"

"It's a sad day," said Harper as he set a record for the most Senate seats filled in a single day, certainly the most seats ever appointed by a government in hiding.

Nat Post : All appointees "had to first pledge allegiance to Conservative policies on Senate reform in the future while promising to oppose any coalition of opposition parties that included the Bloc Quebecois ... as the pre-condition for their appointment."

So it's more than a little ironic that Harper has just appointed Michel Rivard, a genuine former separatist under Parizeau , to a Senate seat in order to stave off the entirely fictional possibility of a Bloc member ever accepting one. Especially as Steve's only elected senate envoy, Bert Brown, said only yesterday :

Brown said Harper was particularly worried that the coalition might appoint separatist senators - a scenario denied by all three opposition parties.
"I think Harper got a little bit spooked and decided that he didn't want to see separatists in the Senate," said Brown

Well ok, you might be thinking, but people change. And you'd be right! Rivard switched from Parti Québécois to the Alliance and lost.
Ok who else we got?

Michael MacDonald, Con Party vice president, ran for office and lost
Fabian Manning, Con MP defeated in last election
Yonah Martin, Con not elected in last election
Leo Housakos, Alliance candidate, ran for office and lost, *issues*
John D. Wallace, Corporate Counsel for Irving Oil, ran for office and lost
Stephen Greene, Reform Party chief of staff, ran for office twice, lost both times

Seeing an electability pattern here yet?

Mike Duffy, Con pointman at CTV
Pamela Wallin, CTV, CBC, Council of the Americas
Nicole Eaton, National Post columnist

Irving Gerstein, Con fundraiser, *issues*
Suzanne Fortin-Duplessis (Que.) ProgCon MP
Richard Neufeld, Socred, then Reform, now BC minister of Energy Mines and Petroleum
Fred Dickson, QC , Legal expert on offshore resource development, P3 booster
Percy Mockler, Con MLA in the New Brunswick
Hector Daniel Lang, Yukon Legislative Assembly
Patrick Brazeau, big Harper fan and National Chief of the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples. off reserve
Nancy Green Raine, Go 2010 Games Go!

Steve : "It's the only option. Does the government Canadians elected appoint those senators or are they going to be appointed by a coalition that nobody elected?"

I dunno, Steve, only 6 of your 18 were ever elected to office at all and another 7 have run for office under one C.R.A.P. banner or other and have already been rejected.
Sure is a lot easier running a government without any sitting opposition though, isn't it?

So the question now is : Will Governor General Michaëlle Jean ratify Harper's party hacks and fans and unelected fundraisers without the confidence of the House?

1 comment:

  1. Let's hope not, but based on her acquiescing to his"hide from a non-confidence vote by proroguing Parliament" request, I don't have high hopes . . . .
