Monday, January 05, 2009

Emma the Embryo and Vatican water sports

"The contraceptive pill is polluting the environment and is in part responsible for male infertility, a report in the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano said yesterday.
The pill "has for some years had devastating effects on the environment by releasing tonnes of hormones into nature" through female urine.

The article was promptly dismissed by several scientific organizations.
Yeah but - women, hormones, pee, nature, the pill, sexual freedom - why the combination alone is just begging for some Vatican sciencey oh noes, isn't it?
*Pissed off* and setting the record straight :


  1. Hahaha! Alison, you're the greatest! Fricken Ratzo and his advisers need to get their noses out of women's crotches!!!

  2. Bwaaaahahahaha!

    That Emma Embryo, she is wise beyond her days in the womb.
