Saturday, February 14, 2009

Geography has made us neighbours ...

The Canadian American Business Council will be running full-page ads in the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the National Journal next week, in advance of President Barack Obama's visit to Ottawa.
The ad features a famous utterance made by John F. Kennedy during his visit to Canada in 1961 :

"Geography has made us neighbours ... economics has made us partners"
Representing Exxon Mobil, Shell Oil, Campbell Soup, Wal-Mart, Bombardier, and Alcan, the Canadian American Business Council boasts Canadian ambassador to the U.S. Michael Wilson as the chairman of the CABC advisory board.

Canadian ambassador Michael Wilson previously explained his position on Canada/US relations, courtesy of the Government of Canada website :

Advancing the North American Economic Area

"Economic integration is happening. Our businesses and consumers are making it happen"
"Building a competitive North American platform is essential"
"to engage the world as a North American economic powerhouse."
"a strong, dynamic, and increasingly integrated North American economy."
"we need to continually position ourselves better — position North America better"
"we build things together for North America"
"the North American economic partnership is working"
"we can improve the safety of products available throughout the North American marketplace"
"developing a sectoral approach to improving North American competitiveness"
"committed to keeping the North American supply chain running smoothly"
"we must stake-out a strategic position for North American companies"

"We [Canada] are champions for improvements to the infrastructure that our North American industries depend on."

We get your point, Mike, but just in case there's any doubt the Americans will, feel free to run with my graphic instead.


  1. Dearest Lady Alison:

    Your graphic is PERFECT!

    Can we use it under our "No Deep Integration" logo to really get the point across?

    A picture really is worth a thousand words . . . .

  2. Go for it, Bob.
    Thing is I'm not entirely sure it's all mine - it's from a Creekside post a few years back and I have the niggling idea I just riffed on or, uh, cleaned up someone else's image. Can't find it on google though.

  3. David Orchard has been a long time fighter for CANADA.
    .The FIGHT for CANADA.
    Recent post in the NP on autos and electricity.
    And ofcourse he spoke well about the necessity of Israel to stop the attacks on GAZA.
    Why do so many Liberals ignore him?

  4. I don't know, O, but then again I'm not a Lib and he's only been one himself for what, two years now? Maybe being screwed over by Dion and MacKay, both of whom screwed him during the time he staunchly supported each of them, has branded him as a loser. I don't know, O.
