Thursday, March 19, 2009

RCMP runs out the clock on another inquiry

A panel of RCMP officers in Saskatchewan has concluded it can't deal with a constable's complaint of sexual harassment involving her supervisor because the case took too long.
Const. Laura Lehne, who is on leave without pay, made her complaint in 2004 and her allegations were investigated and found to have merit, however former head of the RCMP Saskatchewan, Darrell McFadyen, missed a deadline to file papers on the case by one month so the case was thrown out today.

RCMP : "The complaint of harassment was deemed to be founded although with this ruling, formal discipline has now ended."
Const. Lehne : ""I knew if they dragged their feet, they would miss the timelines. It gets thrown out today. And we knew [as] we watched that this was going to occur ... The only person who loses in this is me. The RCMP walk away from any accountability."

In 2002, nine officers were being investigated in Prince George for links to underage prostitutes. Const. Justin Harris was alleged to have had sex with prostitutes between 13 and 15 years old.
In 2004, a disciplinary hearing was initiated.
In 2006, the case was thrown out because senior officers in the B.C. headquarters took too long to investigate and lay charges.

In 2001, Burnaby RCMP Const. Michael Pratt -- who was criminally convicted of assaulting a woman during a routine traffic stop -- had his disciplinary charges thrown out because the time limit had expired.

In Oct 2006, then Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day said his government was looking into changing the RCMP Act to prevent misconduct investigations from being thrown out due to taking too long.

So how's that coming along?


  1. Not too well, I'd venture . . . .

  2. I think I see a pattern developing...

  3. And yet the RCMP and the government wonder why us common folk are losing confidence in them.

  4. Child molesters, sadists, rapists, and murderers. You'd think they were the Church.

  5. Disgusting. It's the good old boys.

  6. From the news "leaking" lately, it appears that BC will be renewing their contract with the RCMP in the not too distant future.

    'Nuther gordo plan of brilliance . . . .

  7. Did they use condoms?
    Maybe they keep a supply in the glove compartment.
