Monday, April 13, 2009

Attawapiskat still being ignored

After waiting eight years for a new school, 700 students at Attawapiskat First Nations in Northern Ontario will instead be evacuated from the community to protect them from further toxic exposure to a 30-year-old diesel-oil spill under the old school. The demolition of the old school in March - nearly a decade after it was closed down due to contamination - has released noxious fumes causing nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea in the local residents.

Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada Chuck Strahl doesn't see what all the fuss is about.

I just cannot believe this is still going on.
Let Chuck know you are watching. Send him a cluebat at and cc it to NDP MPs Charlie Angus - and Gilles Bisson who have made a video of the people in this community telling their story.
That video is up at Cam Holstrom's who has been on this for months now.

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