Monday, April 13, 2009

Stonewall Wally begins his re-election campaign

CanWest today : RCMP officers may be charged in Dziekanski death
"The four RCMP officers who Tasered a Polish immigrant at the Vancouver International Airport may face charges in his death, B.C.’s Attorney General said Monday.
"Nothing is final . . . particularly where we’re getting more and more evidence elicited on a daily basis," Oppal told the CBC, referring to the inquiry evidence. “So it may well be, at the end of the day, the people in the criminal justice branch could re-examine this."

Really? Are you quite sure that's what he said?
Because what I'm remembering is that all three levels of Executive Management in the Criminal Justice Branch watched exactly the same video footage the rest of us did and compared it to Cpl. Benjamin (Monty) Robinson's statement in which he claimed 12 times that Dziekanski swung the stapler at them and had to be stunned twice before being wrestled to the ground.
Then they said the video supported the officers' accounts and mustered the gall to issue the following unanimous statement on December 12, 2008:

"There is a substantial body of independent evidence which supports that the Officers in question were lawfully engaged in their duties when they encountered Mr. Dziekanski, and the force they used to subdue and restrain him was reasonable and necessary in all the circumstances.

In light of this independent evidence, there is not a substantial likelihood of conviction in this case for any of the offences considered, in fact, the available evidence falls markedly short of this standard."

So what did Stonewall Wally Oppal actually say today?

CP (Italics mine) :

"RCMP officers who testified at the inquiry into the death of Robert Dziekanski at Vancouver's airport could still face charges after the inquiry but so far there is nothing to suggest that might happen, B.C. Attorney General Wally Oppal said Monday.

"It's always the case in any determination where we decide that no charges were warranted that if there was new evidence and that new evidence was appreciably different then in those circumstances charges could be laid," Oppal told The Canadian Press. "But we're talking theory here."

"(The criminal justice branch) said at that time there would be no charges and all I said is that if new evidence emerges there's always a possibility to lay charges, but I didn't specifically say in this case it would happen," said Oppal.

Oppal said he's "not prepared to buy in" that there was a significant change in evidence and there were false statements made."

Care to revise your bullshit headline now, CanWest?
Everyone else ... as you were.
Electioneering for the May 12 BC Election apparently started in earnest today with Wally suddenly remembering this means his seat is up for grabs too.


  1. The CBC intimated the same thing in their "exclusive" interview report on television yesterday.

    The campaign begins in earnest. At least 'til May 13th, when everything reverts to "normal" . . . .

  2. When I read the original article I asked myself... "What has changed?!"

    Wally Oppal fighting for his seat... that's what.

    Right now, he polls 2nd in his riding.
