Tuesday, May 12, 2009

BC Election 2009 : One more time with feeling...

BC for Sale from Twyla Roscovich on Vimeo.

Gordon Campbell's accomplishments in office to date :

  • Massive salary increases to himself - 54%- and Cabinet, and political appointees- twice - but
  • Refused to raise minimum wage
  • Failed to hold regular legislature sessions - twice
  • Gateway Project
  • $900-million leaky convention centre
  • Sold off BC Rail after campaigning on promise not to.
  • Sold off Terasen Gas, formerly BC Gas
  • Privatized power generation in run-of-rivers
  • Passed Bill 30 to prevent local veto of run-of-rivers
  • Removed government accountability for BC Ferries
  • Privatized hospital cleaning and food services
  • Privatized BC Health accounting to US firm Maximus
  • Privatized some healthcare jobs
  • Reduced funding for BC Ombudsman
  • Increase in fish farm licences
  • Exported raw logs, closing mills
  • Removed land from the Agricultural Land Reserve
  • Tax cuts for the rich
  • Gave part of BC Hydro over to Accenture
  • Vancouver Convention Centre cost over-runs
  • Sea-to-Sky Highway cost over-runs
  • Bizarre Olympics budgeting
  • Gutted Ministry of Environment
  • Permits for private resorts in public parks
  • Deregulated private forest lands
  • Reduced number of park rangers
  • Increased post secondary fees
  • Reduced number of long term care beds for seniors
  • Renoviction legislation
  • Promoted Port Mann Bridge as P-3 - failed
  • Lobby legislation not enforced
  • Lifted moratorium on trophy hunting of grizzly bears
  • Highest rate of child poverty in Canada 5 years running, but
  • Eliminated the Independent Office of the Child, Youth and Family Advocate

Vote today to get rid of this sorry bunch of rebranded Reform carpetbaggers and corporate frontmen.

Then Vote Yes for STV so you can vote for whoever you want to next time.



  1. You tell 'em, girl!


  2. Whoooeeeee!

    That's some list.

    I should have just posted that up every day for the last 28 days!

    Hey Alison.

    We'll be Interactively Live Blogging over at my place if you and any of your readers want to drop by this evening.

    Action starts @ ~7:30pm.

    Here's the link.

    See you all in the puffed-up-punditry-free Snark-O-Dome!


  3. Thanks, Ross - really enjoyed it.
    Was good to have company in this sorry mess.
