Thursday, May 07, 2009

Run-of-river power projects breach environment regulations

"Inspection reports and emails obtained by CBC News show B.C. government officials have raised concerns about environmental infractions during the construction of the rapidly growing number of run-of-river private power projects in the province.

Last fall, inspectors from the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Forests and Range — who dubbed themselves "strike teams" — dropped in on the construction sites of several private run-of-river hydro projects."

Here is what they found:
  • Sloppy construction that could damage streams.
  • Overcutting old-growth forest.
  • Inadequate sewage treatment at work camps.
  • Construction during bird breeding season.
  • Replanting with non-native species.

No one was charged or fined for the violations.

"Other email obtained by CBC News shows that at the time of the inspections, the company behind the projects complained in several emails that the scrutiny was redundant and interfered with construction.
When interviewed by CBC News, Jackie Hamilton, a vice-president with Cloudworks Energy, stood by her complaint.
"You're going to find the odd thing. I don't think they found serious issues, and of course any issues they found were immediately fixed," said Hamilton."

Yo, Jackie! As a former employee of the BC Government environmental assessment, perhaps you can enlighten us on exactly how you "immediately fixed" the "overcutting of old-growth forest" ?

But here's the kicker :

"Government officials involved in the strike teams say they can't discuss what they found until after next week's provincial election."

BC for Sale from Twyla Roscovich on Vimeo.

G&M : B.C. scientists urge strategic voting to protect watersheds.



  1. Independent power projects 'ignoring rules': Vancouver Sun

    Environment ministry faces 'substantial pressure' from power producers, documents say

  2. Thanks, Ivan - Posted it up at the Beav :Money is thicker than water
