Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Cop sentenced to sleeping in his own bed for 3 weeks for beating up newsie

In January three drunk off-duty Metro Vancouver cops were arrested for assault on a newspaper delivery man.

Griffin Gillan of the West Vancouver Police assaulted Firoz Khan four times and held him down with a foot on his head while he called for back-up from his drinking buddies - all because Khan failed to give him street directions in what he considered to be a timely manner.
After commandeering a car to join in the assault, Jeffrey Klassen of the New Westminster police, a use-of-force instructor for police training at the Justice Institute of BC, punched Khan in the back of the head three or four times and yelled: "Stay down or I will kill you."
When Khan called for help and asked bystanders to call police, Klassen allegedly said: "We are the police" and one of three explained: "We don't like brown people."
A fourth police officer called in by the appalled bystanders first handcuffed Khan before it was pointed out to him that Khan was in fact the victim.

That night Global TV news floated the story that perhaps the officers' actions could be explained by their having been slipped some kind of drug. Vancouver Chief Const. Jim Chu pleaded that "the public should have confidence in the police investigation" and B.C. Attorney General Wally Oppal asked the public to "keep an open mind." till the case was heard in court.

Ok, now we've heard it.
Gillan, who has been on suspension without pay, was ordered by the court to attend counselling for anger management and substance abuse - and sentenced to being home every night between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m for three weeks.

Yes, you read that right - he's been sentenced to sleeping in his own bed for three weeks.
We won't hear how many nights Klassen has to sleep in his own bed till next year.


  1. Aw shit! Grounded! What a bummer.

    At least it looks like he lost his job.

  2. This could generate a wicked trap for Con candidates the next election. They've been going on and on about how the justice system is too soft on offenders. I can't wait to see what will happen when they are asked whether this cop should have done hard time.

  3. I have two kids.

    So far all of their personal dealings with police officers have been nothing but positive.


    Over the last few months both of them have been asking me if they can really trust the police if they get in trouble.

    That's a hard one to really answer truthfully after so many deliberate lies were reealed by the Braidwood inquiry b/w this.

    I sure hope the 4th cop, the one that actually did the right thing after being on the job for only two weeks, doesn't get crapped on for breaking the 'code'.


  4. Whatwas the no. of drinks he had? 25 or so?
    That's a binge drinker, I'd say.

  5. "After commandeering a car to join in the assault, Jeffrey Klassen of the New Westminster police, a use-of-force instructor for police training at the Justice Institute of BC, punched Khan in the back of the head three or four times and yelled: "Stay down or I will kill you.""

    well, that explains a few things - it sure as hell doesn't excuse them, but it does explain them. Clearly, none of the three should ever be cops anywhere again, but Klassen shouldn't be allowed in any kind of uniform that doesn't involve a paper hat after he gets out of jail. And he better be going to jail.
