Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Bible - now with more bimbos

A big problem with the far right's use of biblical quotes to defend their freakishly xenophobic warmongering 'trickle down' worldview is that some smartass will always respond by quoting New Testament Jesus - usually something about forgiveness or kindness or tolerance or giving to the poor.

What to do, what to do?

Well you could just rewrite that sucker, removing all the dfh gay commie bits - which is just what the good folks over at Conservapedia have undertaken to do.

Begone! oh liberal scriptural bias and never mind that bit in Revelations about going to hell for tampering with The Word. Behold -The Conservative Bible Project (h/t Pharyngula)

Of course once you get started on a rewrite, it's hard to know when to stop. I'm guessing changing 'damsel' to 'bimbo' was a wee bit beyond the call of bare necessity, unless you can find some corroborating mention elsewhere in the bible of a disco ball to back it up.


  1. Q:How do you suck more worth from the worthless?
    A:Question answered above!

    What unabashed malice.

  2. Did the Colbert Nation make Stephen a prophet yet? I'd look, but I really don't want to go to that website.

  3. And ceiling cat said...

    let ther be kitteh and it was good.

  4. Ceiling Cat done run out of happy wid teh Crapeedia doodz.
    Smotez. Srsly.

  5. Does anybody know the name of that angel who knocked up Joseph's wife, whats her name... the poor bimbo?

  6. Some where in "The Book of J" Harold Bloom comments that a deliberate alteration of scripture is the only crime that Christians have not committed against Jews and if the perps in this item confine their disrespect for historical sources to what is often called the "New Testament" that shall remain true.
