Saturday, November 07, 2009

Porking out at BC Ferries

Why does BC Ferries CEO David Hahn make over $1-million a year?

Well, because the BC Ferries Services board gets to pick their own number. They came up with $1-million after advising their consultant to consider the salaries of CEOs at large corporations like Coca Cola, Ford, Nike, and McDonald's.

The BC Ferries Services board themselves also receive compensation "three to five times the amounts set out in a provincial Treasury Board directive to Crowns," according to B.C. Transportation Minister Shirley Bond.

That's obscene. So who oversees the BC Ferries Services board?

That would be the B.C. Ferry Authority Board, all nine of whose members are also directors on the ... wait for it ... BC Ferries Services Board, on which CEO David Hahn also sits.
BC Ferries - Experience the difference™ ... that setting your own salary makes.
Thank you, Tyee. More from Laila Yuile.


  1. Will remember this next time the 6;30 am ferry sits in Long Harbour waiting for a crew member.
    And waiting for them to supply crew members with cell phones/blackberry to compute # of foot passengers so they can put it into their system and then we won't have to go all the way upstairs and get inline with footpassengers enroute to Vancouver just so we can get a boarding pass, while juggling luggage and/or children and many of us have complained year after year about this.
    and when the elevator is out of commission for more than a week.

  2. How many times have we seen this?
    Downsize the workforce, sell off the asset, and import some overpaid fuckheads to run it into the ground.

