Friday, February 05, 2010

Tony Clement channels George Bush

Industry Minister Tony Clement reprises George Bush's 2004 "Hard Work" performance:
"There’s no question that when we reviewed the situation there is a lot of work to be done. We’re doing work right now," he explained. "When the session does convene there’s no question that there’ll be a lot of work for Parliamentarians to do. And just as we’ve been working hard in our constituencies and throughout Canada, there’ll be a lot of work for Parliament to do after March 3."
A meddlesome reporter asked the minister if perhaps he had erred in suggesting only the chattering classes were particularly interested in the business of Parliament.
"I guess what I can tell you, again, is we’re working hard," Mr. Clement explained. "We’re working hard on behalf of Canadians. On behalf of their hopes and aspirations."
Proroguin' and recalibratin' - it's hard work. Not just anyone can do it.


  1. "Not just anyone can do it."

    That's true. You have to be a brain-dead, untalented, corporate shill to really even want to try.

  2. The whole Harper tenure could be summed up in a picture of "The Harp" at a news conference pointing to GWB, Obama and a CEO, with the caption "What he said"

  3. If only they would pay more attention to Sarah Palin they could be progressing Canada much betterer.

  4. Chris : Yeah. Will post something up at the Beav about it.
    All these years of inveighing against SPP and TILMA, and finally it's proroguing parliament that allows Steve to push this through.
