Thursday, June 24, 2010

G8 - Police arrest guy for driving around with guy stuff

The original G&M headline : "Police arrest man with arsenal of weapons near G20 zone"

has since been amended to read : "Police arrest man with cache including crossbow" but the URL still reads as above.

Personally I'd go with : "Police arrest guy for driving around with guy stuff in his car"

"Maybe he's a woodsman," suggested a CNN newsthingey, helpfully.

Yeah, and maybe, given that there was also a chainsaw, gas cans, a lot of tools, a crossbow, baseball bats, a scruffy white dog, and blankets in the car ... just maybe he's a guy driving around with all his worldly possessions strapped to the roof of his car because he has no where else to put it. Maybe he just got divorced or evicted; maybe he's a guy.

Other important G8/G20 security theatre busts :

Two AntiPoverty protesters arrested for having B&E tools - keys for entering her office.

Guy busted for being FN with a flag - twice.

Guy busted for having a water bottle and asking questions. Questions about the draconian new Public Works Protection Act

On the other hand ... Undercover Mountie escorted off Ryerson campus by campus security.

Update : Greg Weston was there : 'Perfect gentleman' likely off his meds: Father

He had tears in his eyes, and looked clearly distraught. There was no hint of anger or aggression.
“My dog,” he said plaintively to no one in particular. “Please someone do something with my dog.”

Greg did.



  1. Alison, Sun reporter Greg Weston rescued Marley the dog.
    Just a guy ... off his meds.

    "He had tears in his eyes, and looked clearly distraught. There was no hint of anger or aggression.

    “My dog,” he said plaintively to no one in particular. “Please someone do something with my dog."


  2. Thanks, Chris. Updated and blogged at Dr. Dawgs.
